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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 矫正观念 Adjusting Views

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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 矫正观念 Adjusting Views


  1-3-6. ADJUSTING VIEWS矫正观念

  One misunderstanding should be dealt with, namely that when we make merit, we want to go to heaven. I've asked a woman once, who offered food to monks, whether she had ever seen heaven. She said no. So I asked her next : 'If you've never seen it, why do you want to go there and where is it anyway ?'. She said she didn't know. I've read about heaven in a book, it said that in heaven women outnumber men in the ratio of 500 to 1. Think about this for yourself, is it fun ? Even 2 people will argue and beat each other to death and how will 500 people fare ?! This is something that we don't yet understand, we haven't used wisdom and reflected on it thoroughly.


  We have to study about heaven and really understand it, so that we don't go the wrong way. If we don't know, we'll go the wrong way ! That's why I said that Thai people are Buddhists but don't know what Buddhism teaches !

  The time is up. Finally, having given some reflections and shake-ups, I'll take the opportunity to call the virtues of the Buddha, the teachings of the Buddha and the good qualities of the Arahant-disciples of the Buddha, to be the fruit and inspiration to all laypeople, may you meet with the mind that is clean, bright and peaceful, in this life.






隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 直取快捷方

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教外之法门

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教内之法门

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教外之教导

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教内之教导



隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 果报:出世

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 以自为依?

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 果报:当下

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 果报:心地

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 善果现起

华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)